I've been away in New Zealand teaching at the Bible College in Auckland, and after two weeks Millie and I needed a brief re-introduction! She looked at me for a long couple of seconds at first, when I returned, but soon softened up. And now we're back to our best-friends status again.
She's walking securely, and it's just wonderful watching her wander around the room randomly picking up things. She likes having two of the same thing - one in each hand. Like two plastic '4's' from the fridge door, or two square blocks.
If we tell her not to do something she's usually pretty good (we'll have to figure out a way for her to stay away from the TV screen). But if we remove her dummy, or deprive her of something else she wants, she protests!
She always responds to the school bell (the school shares our back fence), to plane-noises, and to birds.
She has lots of new sounds. One mimics my 'shewish' to call the dogs for a treat. Now she makes the sound, and wants to throw down the dog biscuits from our back balcony. She calls our daughter Lindy (her auntie of course) 'Diddy', and Lindy loves it!
Today we had a friend clean the other balcony, outside her upstairs bedroom (thanks David), and soon there'll be a sandpit and some nice play things there, as the weather gets a little warmer.
Each day we have our little routines - like saying good-bye to her cousins Jay and Will (who live next door) on their way to school (beyond the back fence, remember?). We sing her a little song before her meals:
Thank you for the world so sweet hum! hum!
Thank you for the food we eat yum! yum!
Thank you for the birds that singalingaling
Thank you God for everything. Amen!
She's a pure delight! Especially when she runs away from us as we pretend to chase her!