Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Millie's becoming more affectionate lately. Her love-language is probably not 'touch', and up until now she stays on one's knee for a short while only, before wanting to resume her play. But now she runs up to me with her arms in the air for a cuddle.

Sesame Street is helping her learn lots of numbers and letters: she goes to find the plastic version of each to play with while the show is on.

And when people are dancing she copies them: she's a 'natural'!

A new play area is being constructed at the side of our place - a nice sheltered balcony. A large tree from next door (our son's place) will come down soon to give that area more warmth and light.

I took her to the church play-group today (her mum and dad are sick with a gastric bug, which Millie had a few days ago; and Jan has a cold). We had a lovely time. I learned that up to 3 or 4 most children engage in either 'solitary' or 'parallel' play in groups: that explains quite a bit...

Bella is still her uncomplicated little self: lots of smiles and occasional giggles. When one of us goes in to pick her up she coyly turns her head to one side then the other. Very cute!

She'll be crawling soon.

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Rowland Croucher