Millie now puts complex sentences together, and makes interesting connections between things...
For example: she was drinking vanilla-flavoured milk and said 'Grandma, this tastes like the smell in your bathroom when you use the spray' (which at that time was vanilla-scented!).
Last night she showed Grandma her sore knee. 'Does it hurt?' Grandma asked. 'Yes, a lot,' Millie said. 'Oh, I'm so sorry,' said Grandma. 'Oh but it's not your fault!' Millie reassured her!
Today Millie went to the Doctor. She's been waking with urinary tract soreness.
During that time Jan and I looked after Bella, who was just a delight. We went for a walk with the dog, and she helped find sticks for the dog to chase. Bella's mum was reassured by the specialist yesterday that Bella is capable of catching up developmentally, and we've been encouraged to help talk to her in story-form, and encourage her imagination.
Rowland Croucher