Thursday, June 24, 2004


We're a bookish family, I have a library of several thousand books (which I'm gradually paring down and giving away - except for the theological books which Lindy has laid claim to). All our four children have post-graduate degrees and qualifications, and our two oldest grandchildren are currently in university. I've had about a dozen books published, and our eldest son Paul has also written a book - on the history of Buddhism in Australia.

Amelia, our fifth granddaughter, rarely gets cranky except when she's uncomfortable in terms of nappy (diaper) needing to be changed, hungry, thirsty or sleepy. The only time apart from all this is when we read a favorite story only once: she wants it again.

She loves stories (remember she's only 10 1/2 months). And essentially her stories are about the only important things in life - God, family, animals, birds, trees, flowers etc.

One of her favorites:

On the ground,
in the air -
I find blessings


Best-est friends
in three-way hugs,

butterflies -
blessings everywhere!

Silly shadows,
tickling breeze,

Forests filled
with Christmas trees!

Silent sunsets,
quiet, please -
blessings everywhere!

Camping out,
camping in -
Sometimes loving

Knowing God
forgives my sin -
blessings everywhere!

Skipping on a
winding path,
Bubbles in my
bubble bath!

Muddy puddles,
muddy me!
Blessings everywhere!

In the sky,
on the ground,
Little blessings
can be found.

Thank You, God,
for giving me
blessings everywhere!