Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Today Amelia went for her checkup to the pediatrician. For a while the clinic sister and pediatrician have been monitoring Amelia's fontinelle, which they thought may be closing too quickly.

So today an upset mother (Amanda) heard the doctor suggest that Amelia have a precautionary x-ray. So between tears and prayers our little one now has to prepare to have this test. Please pray for her - and the parents, and doctors, and us.

Last night Amelia's grandparents took her out to the local mall for dinner. She enjoyed her yoghurt, and pieces of fish, and diluted fruit juice... And for the first time we gave her a lemon quarter to play with (we'd received it with our fish meal). Of course it went straight to her mouth (as just about everything does) and her facial expression was one of quizzicality (is that a word?).

But then she sucked it some more, squeezed it to make a nice mess, and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

I remember studying 'cafeteria feeding' experiments with small children in undergrad psychology, so we have always figured that until they learn bad eating habits, something like a lemon is OK if she wants it in small doses (and a source of vitamin C.)

God bless


Sunday, July 25, 2004


Been away in Newcastle, NSW this past weekend, and this morning 'Millie Moo' (our affectionate name for Amelia) greeted me warmly.

I chatted to her for about 15-20 minutes - particularly about the butcher-bird which was singing outside our place - then it was play-time with her wicker-backet full of safe toys. It's important for her at these times, before she has her morning sleep, to spend some time on her own, without anyone talking to her...

Her four new upper teeth are beautiful and even...

It's a busy day today: Amelia's mum's (Amanda's) birthday party here tonight. Amelia will join us in four family birthday do's in the next couple of weeks: so singing 'Happy Birthday' and blowing out candles, and having family-fun, will become special for her.

God bless!


Thursday, July 22, 2004


(But doesn't every doting parent/grandparent say that?)

Well... let me tell ya.

There's a little poem she likes:

Teddy bear, teddy bear go upstairs
Teddy bear, teddy bear say your prayers
Teddy bear, teddy bear turn out the light
Teddy bear, teddy bear say goodnight!

And our Milly points to the light before she hears that line!

It's late morning, and I've picked her up from her sleep (and to show her off to our visiting Wesleyan Methodist pastor!). She's at her best after her morning sleep. Drank all her orange juice: good girl!

She's now 'cruising' (I understand that's the correct word, though I've heard that term in other unsavoury contexts in my counselling). Milly walks around things like chairs, holding herself up.

Her four top teeth are forming beautifully too.

I'm now going away for a weekend to speak at an interestate conference and will miss her!



Amelia loves her bath, and that's her dad's delightful job each night. Even if she's tired, she loves playing games with her bath-toys.

But there comes a time in every baby's life when - you guessed it -she was playing in the water and tumbled under.

She got a very big fright, and took some pacifying.

But soon she was back in the bath and playing again... wiser.

She's better now. Today I sat with her on our back verandah listening to the wonderful music of the grey butcherbirds, and the raucous cries of the gang gang cockatoos.

I'm off to Newcastle NSW tomorrow for a combined church's seminar. Back Sunday night.


Monday, July 19, 2004


She's brave, doesn't complain too much, but isn't smiling much.

She's off her food, and sleeps poorly. Amanda had to bring her to Jan at 3 am this morning, and today we three have spent most time with her just holding her.

I might have mentioned 'Pinky' her pink (!) bear. She loves that bear. When her mother brought her up to us after dinner to say goodnight, she cutely went for her 'Pinky' rather than come to one of us.

We've been on holidays to Lord Howe Island, and I have some notes from that trip which I might write up tomorrow if I get a chance.

Please pray that our little one will be well soon.


Here's her first book - and one of her favourites (given to her by her aunty Lindy):


Millie the monkey liked to joke,
and play tricks on the jungle folk.

As soon as Millie ate her meal
She threw away the banana peel!

Down it went into the traffic...
And Millie laughed at all the havoc!

(The book has a fluffy tail poking out of it which Amelia uses to tickle her face.

(We like to call her 'Millie' - or 'Millie Moo')