Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Last night we saw the full moon eclipse: beautiful!

Millie's having a hard time at Kinder right now: a little boy hit her once, and each kinder-day she doesn't want to go. The staff have been terrific, helping her face this challenge - including encouraging the boy to play with Millie. Please pray for her - and the little guy too.

Bella's got a flu-like wog, and was in Jan's arms for a lot of today. Please pray for her healing. Bella has her glasses, and there's been little trouble getting her to wear them. I took her on our Tuesday shopping expedition yesterday, and she looked so cute with her glasses: lots of people smiled at her. Her mum and grandma always ask 'How was she?' and every shopping-day there's the same response: 'Perfect!' (Helped of course, by some healthy nibbles occasionally of a cheese-stick, or a couple of grapes or beans!)

Here's another shot of the moon from last night: